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  • Curriculum vitae




    2001 - 2007

                                                 Kyiv International University, Master of Laws, diploma with honors



    from November 2024Member of the Board of PJSC SC "GRAWE UKRAINE"

    from July 2024

    Member of the Board of PJSC GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance

    from July 2024

                                  Advisor to the Chairman of the Board, PJSC SC "GRAWE UKRAINE" on legal,

                                                            compliance and financial monitoring issues

    2014 – 06.2024

    Head of Legal Department, PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance"

    2006 - 2011

                                                                               Lawyer, Ltd. "Magisters"

    2003 - 2006

    Head of HR Department, PJSC "Agrobudmechanization"


    Anastasiya Polyn, started her professional activity in the field of insurance in the summer of 2011 from the position of legal adviser of PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance". She worked her way up from a legal adviser to a member of the board of the leading insurance company of Ukraine.

    In addition to specialized insurance legislation, Anastasiya Polyn specializes in issues of corporate, labor, economic law, as well as legislation in the field of financial monitoring and compliance. Also, Ms. Polyn has extensive experience in successful court practice and is a lawyer.