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  • Comprehensive insurance of real estate that is the subject of a mortgage
    Comprehensive insurance of real estate

    that is the subject of a mortgage

    Comprehensive insurance of real estate

    that is the subject of a mortgage

    Own business is always a risk. You need to be careful in choosing partners, products, suppliers, study your competitors well, conduct market research... But that's not all. Every legal institution owns property, and 50 percent of success depends on it. If the property of a legal institution is in good condition, then they can be easily operated, and when problems begin, for example, with office premises or warehouses, all forces are concentrated on their solution. In order not to distract you from the main field of activity, the Insurance Company "GRAWE UKRAINE" offers you to use the property insurance program of legal entities.


    Information document about a standard insurance product
    Information document about a standard insurance product

    General terms and conditions of the insurance product
    General terms and conditions of the insurance product

    Risks that the program protects against

    Action of fire
    Action of fire

    Fire, lightning strike, explosion

    Natural disasters
    Natural disasters

    Storm, hurricane, hail, downpour, landslide or subsidence, mountain collapse, avalanche, earthquake, flood

    Effect of liquid
    Effect of liquid

    Outflow of hot or cold water outside of the intended purpose from the internal water supply, sewage, heating system, fire extinguishing system

    Illegal actions of third parties
    Illegal actions of third parties

    Destruction or damage to insured property as a result of burglary, robbery, burglary, willful destruction and damage to property

    Mechanical damage
    Mechanical damage

    Falling of any objects on the insured premises or the premises in which the insured property is located; falling onto the insured property of other property or its parts, falling of aircraft objects, their parts/debris, cargo and baggage transported by them

    Battle of the glass
    Battle of the glass

    Battle of glass, mirrors, showcases

    Contacts +380 44 247-68-03