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  • Insurance of occurrence of risks

    GRAWE Medyc

    The program provides health protection at two additional tariffs (KОXZ and KHXZ) in case of surgery and inpatient treatment in a medical facility along with additional life protection at the RX-1 tariff. Insurance of occurrence of risks can only be purchased together with one of the three savings program options.

    Information document on the standard insurance product "MEDYC"
    Information document on the standard insurance product "MEDYC"

    General conditions of the insurance product Medyc
    General conditions of the insurance product Medyc

    The Medyc guarantees:

    Protection of life
    Protection of life

    Immediate payment to beneficiaries of 2,500 UAH or 500 USD, in case the insured person dies.

    Protection in case of hospitalization
    Protection in case of hospitalization

    • Payment of the insured amount to the insured person, subject to the condition of inpatient treatment in a medical institution for at least 5 days. During the year, the insurance coverage is spread over 180 days of hospital stay.

    • Payment of the insured amount to the insured person for about 5 days, regardless of the time of actual stay in the medical institution for childbirth, provided the child's birth certificate is available.

    Protection in case of surgical operation
    Protection in case of surgical operation

    Payment to the insured person of the established percentage of the guaranteed sum insured for surgical intervention. The types of operations and percentages of payments for them are described in more detail in the Rules of PJSC GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance.

    Example of insurance of occurrence of risks, UAH
    Insured persona 30-year-old woman
    Term of insurance20 years
    Annual insurance payment

    1 000 UAH

    Annual insurance payment for hospitalization520 UAH

    Guaranteed sum insured

    in case of death

    in case of surgical intervention


    2 500 UAH

    42 626 UAH

    The insurance amount for hospitalization is daily

    200 UAH


    Insurance payments

    The year of the insured eventPayment in case of death, UAHPayment for hospitalization, UAHPayment in case of operation, UAH
    14 days (illness)3 days (childbirth)removal of the appendixon heart vessels
    22 500,002 800,001 000,0012 788,0038 363,00
    62 500,002 800,001 000,0012 788,0038 363,00
    112 500,002 800,001 000,0012 788,0038 363,00
    162 500,002 800,001 000,0012 788,0038 363,00
    Contacts +38 044 490 59 10