Car protection outside of Ukraine
Green card
"Green card" is a mandatory civil liability insurance policy for vehicle owners, accepted in most European countries. Countries participating in the Green Card system recognize insurance contracts concluded by one of the countries and guarantee compensation to the injured party in the event of a road traffic accident abroad under the laws of the country where the road accident occurred. Without a Green Card, it is impossible to enter the territory of most European countries by car.
PJSC "IC "GRAWE Ukraine" as an insurance intermediary, before concluding an insurance contract, provides the consumer with the following information:
1) a list of insurance classes under which the insurance intermediary sells insurance products;
The insurer sells a standard insurance product under class 10 "Insurance of liability of owners of land vehicles, carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil[1] Liability of Owners of Land Vehicles" "Green Card""Information is provided if the insurance intermediary, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the agency agreement(s) with the insurer(s), has the right to receive insurance premiums from the consumer to the current account of the insurance intermediary with a special use regime for the purposes of crediting and transferring insurance premiums;
The insurance intermediary does not receive insurance premiums from the consumer to its own current account with a special use regime for the purposes of crediting and transferring insurance premiums to the Insurer.
4) methods of making insurance payments by the insurance intermediary.
Information is provided if the insurance intermediary sells insurance products that provide for the possibility of crediting and transferring insurance payments to the consumer from the current account of the insurance intermediary with a special use regime for the purposes of crediting and transferring insurance payments;
The insurance intermediary does not credit and transfer insurance payments to the consumer from the current account of the insurance intermediary with a special use regime for the purposes of crediting and transferring insurance payments.
5) list and procedure for providing assistance services by the insurance intermediary.
The insurance intermediary does not provide assistance services for the Green Card insurance product.
6) procedure for processing personal data of consumers and actions of the insurance intermediary to protect them;
Processing and protection of personal data of consumers in the insurance intermediary takes place in accordance with the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Insurance”, “On Protection of Personal Data”, regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine and other legislative acts/documents of Ukraine.
The received data are processed by the insurance intermediary only upon the previously obtained, voluntary and explicit consent of the consumer of financial services, by which he confirms that he has been informed of his rights, stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", to grant permission to process his personal data, in particular, their collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification (including upon requests from third parties), renewal, use and dissemination (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction, including with the use of information (automated) systems, in order to establish relations with the insurance intermediary, which are necessary and sufficient for the parties to fulfill their obligations and comply with the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine.
The insurer is the owner of personal data and processes them as part of an internal information (automated) system, in which protection is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and its internal documents.
The processing and protection of personal data in the insurance intermediary is carried out in accordance with the insurance intermediary's internal documents on information security and the current legislation of Ukraine.
Employees of the insurance intermediary who directly process and/or have access to personal data in connection with the performance of their labor and professional duties comply with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of personal data protection and internal documents regulating the activities of the intermediary in relation to the processing and protection of personal data in personal data databases and do not allow the disclosure in any way of personal data that has been entrusted to them or that has become known in connection with the performance of professional or labor duties.
Personal data is deleted or destroyed in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with the requirements of the law. In the event of the detection of information about a person that is not true, such information must be immediately changed or destroyed. The deletion and destruction of personal data is carried out in a manner that excludes the further possibility of updating such personal data.
7) contacts by which the consumer, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, has the right to contact the insurance intermediary, the National Bank of Ukraine and other authorized state bodies.
In order to resolve disputes during the provision of insurance services, the Client (Insurer, Consumer) must choose the following methods of protecting his rights and/or interests:
Direct appeal to the insurance intermediary. Consideration of appeals of Clients (Consumers) of insurance services is carried out by the Head Office of PJSC Insurance Company "GRAVE UKRAINE" at the address: 03150, Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 65.
Head Office Working Hours:
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. 09:00-18:00
Fri. 09:00-16:45
Break 13:00-13:45
Sat. Sun. weekend
Clients can submit a written request by sending a postal letter to the address: 03150, Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 65 or by sending an electronic message to the address:office@grawe.ua
A complaint to the National Bank of Ukraine is made at the following address: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601 (address for submitting written appeals by citizens: 11-b Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601, telephone: 0 800 505 240; e-mail: nbu@bank.gov.ua).
Link to the NBU page for consumer protection: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/consumer-protection
The appeal can also be made to other authorized bodies:
State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (address: 01001, Kyiv, B. Grinchenko St., 1);
Department for Protection of Consumer Rights of Financial Services of the National Bank of Ukraine (Address for correspondence: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601; address for submitting written appeals of citizens: 11-b Instytutska St., Kyiv-8, 01601, phone: 0 800 505 240; e-mail:nbu@bank.gov.ua); link to the NBU page for consumer protection: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/consumer-protection;
Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (office location: Kyiv, Rusanivskyi Boulevard, building 8. Postal address: 02002, Kyiv-2, P.O. Box 272);
Department for Personal Data Protection of the Secretariat of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Correspondence address: 21/8 Instytutska St., Kyiv, 01008; e-mail address: hotline@ombudsman.gov.ua (exclusively for electronic applications and lawyer inquiries) zapyt@ombudsman.gov.ua (exclusively for submitting requests for information)Phone: 0800-50-17-20 (Toll-free) 044-299-74-08).
The consumer can also go to court to resolve the dispute through legal proceedings.
Insurance cases
The liability of the owner of the vehicle for damage caused to the life and health of individuals abroad is insured
The liability of the vehicle owner for damage caused to the property of individuals and legal entities abroad is insured
If moral damage is caused as a result of a road accident, this will also be compensated by the insurance company (provided that this is provided for by the legislation of the country where the road accident occurred)
Important insurance details
From 15 calendar days to 1 year
The cost of the policy depends on the country of visit, the type of vehicle, and the insurance period
Payment of insurance compensation is carried out under the conditions determined by the legislation on mandatory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners of the country of visit, where the insured event occurred. Each country has its own limits - you can familiarize yourself with them on the MTSU website.
46 countries participate in the program. The full list of countries is indicated on the official website of the MTSU. Conventionally, the countries are divided into two zones: Europe and the CIS (Azerbaijan, Moldova).