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  • Protection of breadwinner and child

    JUNIOR Extra

    A classic European program, together with which your child receives protection in case of loss of breadwinner, and you get your own guarantees that the capital to ensure your child's future will be created in time.


    Information document on the standard insurance product "JUNIOR EXTRA"
    Information document on the standard insurance product "JUNIOR EXTRA"

    General conditions of the "JUNIOR EXTRA" insurance product.
    General conditions of the "JUNIOR EXTRA" insurance product.

    JUNIOR EXTRA guarantees

    Accumulation of funds for the child
    Accumulation of funds for the child

    Payment of the guaranteed insurance sum to the child together with the accumulated reserves of bonuses after the expiration of the insurance contract

    Protection in the event of the death of the breadwinner
    Protection in the event of the death of the breadwinner

    Payment of the guaranteed insurance sum to the child together with the accumulated reserves of bonuses at the end of the insurance contract, in the event that the insured person (breadwinner) dies (including due to natural death). At the same time, during the term of the contract, it is possible to receive a discounted guaranteed insurance amount

    Protection in case of disability
    Protection in case of disability

    Payment of the guaranteed insurance amount to the child, in the event that during the term of the contract, the child received full 100% disability as a result of an accident. At the same time, the contract continues to be valid


    It can be purchased at the request of the insured person (breadwinner) together with the main program.
    The "Accident" package is additional protection with an insurance amount of 25,000 or 50,000 hryvnias, the terms of which include:
    • Additional protection due to an accident if the insured (breadwinner) dies
    • Additional protection of the insured person (breadwinner) in case of disability due to an accident

    Accident package guarantees

    Protection of life in the event of an accident
    Protection of life in the event of an accident

    Immediate payment of the insured amount to the child under the "Accident" package and payment of the guaranteed insured amount to the child under the main program together with the accumulated reserves of bonuses after the expiration of the insurance contract, if during the term of the contract the insured person (breadwinner) dies as a result of an accident

    Protection in case of disability
    Protection in case of disability

    Payment of the sum insured under the "Accident" package to the insured person (breadwinner) in the event that during the term of the contract he/she received full 100% disability as a result of an accident

    Important details

    The minimum term of the contract
    The minimum term of the contract

    10 years

    Minimum annual insurance premium
    Minimum annual insurance premium

    For main insurance - 300 dollars. USA (3,000 UAH)
    An accident package - $15. US or 30 dollars. USA (75 UAH or 150 UAH)

    Minimum age of the Insured Person
    Minimum age of the Insured Person

    Adult (breadwinner) - from 15 years old
    Children - from birth

    Sum insured under the "Accident" package
    Sum insured under the "Accident" package

    5,000 dollars US or USD 10,000. USA (25,000 UAH or 50,000 UAH)

    Example JUNIOR EXTRA*

    Insured person

    a 30-year-old woman

    child aged 5 years

    Term of insurance20 year

    Annual insurance premium:

    according to the main program

    according to the "Accident" package


    10 000 UAH

    150 UAH

    Guaranteed sum insured for the main program

    223 713 UAH

    Guaranteed sum insured for the "Accident" package

    50 000 UAH


    Insurance payments

    The year of the insured event

    Payment in case of death of the discounted insurance amount (together with bonuses), UAHPayment in case of death due to an accident (together with bonuses), UAHPayment at the end of the term of the contract (together with bonuses), UAH
    2110 431160 431х
    6135 559185 559х
    11198 088248 088х
    16320 909370 909х
    20хх509 376

    *The example is given in case of the death of the insured person during the first year of insurance.

    Contacts +38 044 490 59 10