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  • Insurance economic program


    The program provides an opportunity not only to ensure a decent standard of living for you and your relatives, for example, after retirement or in difficult times for you, but also to receive real insurance and social protection at all types of additional tariffs.


    Information document on the standard insurance product "SEP"
    Information document on the standard insurance product "SEP"

    General conditions of the insurance product "SEP"
    General conditions of the insurance product "SEP"

    SEP guarantees:

    Accumulation of capital
    Accumulation of capital

    Payment of the guaranteed insurance sum together with the accumulated bonus reserves after the expiration of the contract

    Unique life protection
    Unique life protection

    - Payment to the beneficiaries of a part of the guaranteed insurance sum proportional to the duration of the insurance contract together with accumulated bonus reserves. Along with this, an additional amount of 15,000 hryvnias is paid in the event that the insured person dies due to illness. At the same time, the contract ceases to be effective.
    - Simultaneous payment to the beneficiaries of the full guaranteed insurance amount and part of the guaranteed insurance amount proportional to the dura

    [Translate to English:] Захист у випадку інвалідності
    Protection in case of disability

    - Payment of the guaranteed sum insured together with the accumulated reserves of bonuses after the expiration of the insurance contract in the event that during the term of the contract the insured person receives a disability of 50% or more as a result of an accident. At the same time, the policyholder is released from the obligation to pay regular insurance payments.
    - Immediate payment of the guaranteed sum insured to the insured person and payment of the guaranteed sum insured together with

    Example of SEP
    Insured persona 30-year-old woman
    Term of insurance20 years
    Annual insurance payment

    10 000 UAH

    Guaranteed sum insured

    214 564 UAH

    Sum insured for additional death risk insurance

    15 000 UAH


    Insurance payments

    The year of the insured eventPayment in case of death (together with bonuses), UAHPayment in case of death due to an accident (together with bonuses), UAHPayment at the end of the term of the contract (together with bonuses), UAH
    236 456251 020х
    685 592300 156х
    11172 744387 308х
    16312 225526 789х
    20хх490 542
    Contacts +38 044 490 59 10