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  • Head of the Board Biography

    Head of the Board


    Nataliia Bazylevska

    Head of the Board GRAWE Ukraine



    Kyiv State Technical University of Construction and Architecture, specialist, engineer-economist 



    1997 - 2001

    State Tax Inspectorate of Ukraine

    2001 - 2002

    Accountant PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance"

    2002 - 2006

    Chief Accountant PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance"

     2007 - 2008

    Member of the Board PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance"

    since 2008 year

    Head of the Board PJSC "GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance"

    since 2012 year

    Member of the Board PJSC "GRAWE Ukraine Insurance Company"

    since 2020 yearHead of the Board PJSC "GRAWE Ukraine Insurance Company"


    Nataliia Bazylevska started her career at GRAWE UKRAINE as an accountant. This was the first step in her career in the GRAWE concern.

    An experienced approach to finance and balanced risk management allowed her to build a financially healthy company over the years. From year to year, Nataliia manages to bring profit to the concern by profitably operating investment instruments, without exposing clients' capital investment to risk.

    On January 15, 2019, the results of the 23rd national annual award "Person of the Year-2018" were summarized. Among the names of the winners of the competition, Nataliia's name was also mentioned. She became the winner in the "Leader of the insurance market" nomination. The solemn ceremony of awarding the "Person of the Year" award took place on March 23, 2019 at the National Opera of Ukraine. The "Person of the Year" award was honorably awarded to the Chairman of the Board of GRAWE Ukraine Life Insurance for his contribution to the development of the insurance market in Ukraine, improvement and creation of favorable conditions for its development, as well as for his active participation in the development of regulatory and legislative acts.

    The All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center and the Association for Economic Cooperation and Enterprise Development recognized the Head of the Board of GRAWE UKRAINE Life Insurance PJSC, Nataliia Bazylevska as the "Best Manager of 2019" and awarded her with a certificate and order "For Achievements in the Industry". And in 2020, Nataliia was awarded the "Golden Hands" certificate on the basis of expert evaluations by the "Country's Choice" rating agency.