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  • Vehicle insurance programs



    In the event of an event that has signs of an insured event, the Insured is obliged to immediately, but no later than one hour without leaving the scene of the event, notify the representative of the Insurer or the assisting company by phone call to the phone numbers specified in the Insurance Contract


    within 2 (two) working days from the moment of occurrence of the insured event (and in case of unlawful deprivation of the Insured's motor vehicle - within 1 (one) working day) to provide the Insurer with a written notification of the event.

    The notice must contain full information known to the Insured about the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event (date, time and place of occurrence of the insured event, nature of damage, estimated amount of losses), as well as the Contract number.

    In the event of the Insured's inability due to objective circumstances (receiving serious bodily injuries, road accident in a place significantly distant from means of communication; illegal detention by third parties, etc.) to notify the Insurer of the insured event within the terms established by the Contract, the deadline for fulfilling the conditions for notification shall be counted from the time the Insured acquires a real opportunity to carry it out.

    From the scene of the event, notify and call the appropriate state competent authorities (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police, State Emergency Service, etc.) to the scene and wait for their arrival for the purpose of mandatory registration and registration of the event, as well as within 6 (six) hours after the moment of drawing up the traffic accident report under the conditions of a head-on collision, in the presence of injured persons, crossing into the oncoming lane, overturning of the vehicle, leaving the roadway, exceeding the maximum permissible speed by 40 km/h, in the case of constructive death of the vehicle, the demand of representatives of state bodies involved in the insurance case, to apply to a medical institution in order to obtain a certificate about the state of alcohol, toxic or narcotic intoxication, the influence of drugs, and on the territory of other states - to the relevant official bodies of these states, to carry out all other necessary procedures provided for by the Traffic Rules.

    If the terms of the insurance contract do not specify otherwise and as a result of the insured event there are no injured persons and/or other participants in the road accident and the estimated cost of restorative repair of the vehicle is up to 5% of the insured amount (but not more than 25,000.00 (twenty-five thousand) hryvnias for Motor vehicles with an insured amount of less than UAH 600,000.00, and no more than UAH 80,000.00 (eighty thousand) for motor vehicles with an insured amount of UAH 600,000.00 or more) or only glass parts are damaged, then an application to the relevant state competent authorities is mandatory mandatory and recording the occurrence of an insured event may be carried out by the Insurer or an authorized person.




    Contract GRAWE +380 44 247-68-03