GRAWE Travel/MultiTravel
MONDIAL ASSISTANCE represents your interests abroad.
Help around the world - everywhere and anytime!
With 34 representative offices and offices in 66 countries, Mondial Assistance is always available to our customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The 24-hour emergency center in Vienna speaks 14 different languages, including Russian, and has many years of experience in organizing travel assistance services.
Mondial Assistance is an international leader in assistance, travel insurance and related medical and emergency services. 13,224 employees worldwide work closely with an international network of 400,000 qualified service providers and 180 correspondents in 167 countries. Every year, Mondial Assistance receives 52 million calls and 6 million text messages. 250 million people - 4% of the world's population - use Mondial services.
In the event of an insured event the Insured Person or his representative must immediately, as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of the event, contact the International assistance company Mondial Assistance at the phone number:
Mondial Assistance International S.A.
Tel.: 00 43 1 52 503 66 50
Report the following information:
• name and surname of the Insured person in need of assistance;
• the name of the Insurance Company and the number of this Insurance Contract;
• the term of validity of the Insurance Contract and the Insurance Program;
• the circumstances and content of the event, the nature of the necessary assistance;
• location, contact phone number and address of the Insured person in need of assistance;
• the name and address of a medical or other institution, if assistance has already been provided or started to be provided.
Contact the International assistance company Mondial Assistance International 24 hours a day at the above phone number, in English or the language of the country of residence. In the future, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions of the employees of the assisting company, who will provide the Insured Person with the necessary information and instructions on further actions and send him to a medical institution, where he will be provided with assistance at the expense of the Insurer within the limits determined by the insurance conditions.
If, in emergency cases, the Insured person, for reasons beyond his control, enters a medical facility without the assistance of an assistance company (for example, in case of need for emergency care), without being able to notify Mondial Assistance International, he or the person representing him is obliged notify the employees of the assisting company about the occurrence of an insured event as soon as possible, but no later than 2 days after the occurrence of the event.
If the Insured person, for objective reasons independent of him, was forced to independently pay abroad for services that are reimbursed under the terms of the Insurance Rules and this Insurance Contract, the Insurer shall reimburse these costs to the Insured Person in the manner stipulated by the terms of this Contract.
If the Insured does not comply with the requirements of this Instruction, the Insurer has the right to refuse reimbursement of expenses.
Help around the world, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year!